Shareaza vs pure bittorrent clients

slash ProDanceCulture on June 9th, 2005 / post 140
i've just made a very easy decision to delete shareaza's link from the links page. it is because anybody using this client have very slow speeds. i wouln't mind banning client from tracker, but don't know how to. :)

everyone, please. i've already pointed azureus as the best client for getting multiple torrent files. it's only good for torrents, nothing else, but shareaza can get files from different networks at the same time, so it is wide-varied and is not well programmed for torrents, more for kazaa-like downloads. on top of that our tracker is private and no outside peers are allowed, so this makes other sweet shareaza's functions unusable.

if you are using shareaza, please give a try to azureus, it's very nice. also bittornado. or abc. all of them are pretty good. make sure azureus is thanks to all who did, though! :D
(user gone) on June 10th, 2005 / post 141
i agree.
shaeaza is not good choise for bit torrent client.
azureus is highly recommendable client for bit torrent client.or abc or torrentstorm(tornado).
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