Defending what WE DO and why A letter from and to Frisky

BBSSPYINstar Noddin Along on February 8th, 2007 / post 15943
Letter from and to Frisky Radio...
Please understand why we are here and what we do!!!!!

From Frisky:

Dear friskyRadio Subscribers,

It has come to my attention that friskyRadio Subscriber sets are being shared on P2P networks.  


friskyRadio sets are given to you for one purpose and one purpose alone: to enjoy yourself.  We have clearly stated the terms and disclaimers in each email we send to you.  Please respect yourself, friskyRadio and above all else, the artist that work extra hard each and every day to provide you with the music we all love.  Please note that the music the DJs provide you is their bread and butter - this isnt just a hobby for them - they actually make a living with this!!! So RESPECT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

If this happens again - we will have to cancel your subscription.

Thank You for your attention and support!

________________________________ >> feelin' frisky?

As a friskyRadio Subscriber may I please ask that you do
not share this link with anyone!  Please respect friskyRadio and our
artists and do not share these mixes on any download sites. These
downloads are for you and you alone.  You paid for them so enjoy them!
Please respect our agreement and know that these downloads are only for


In response:  

To whom it may concern,

You are aware that shitty stream recorded files are being recorded from Frisky and then distributed improperly representing the quality of both your radio broadcast and the artists great work.  If your not going to offer the option of replaying the show on the website, what option does the general public, low stream user, or avid fan have besides not hearing the show.  If you are broadcasting the show then you should already be aware that its going to end up available somewhere on the internet.  Knowing this you should make sure that what is available would meet both you and the artists standards.  I spent years working in, managing, and owning nightclubs and I would never expect either my DJs or my clients, the customers, to listen to music on a shit system with fucked levels.  THAT WOULD BE THE TRUE DISSERVICE TO THE ARTIST.  I support what you are doing and realize its your job, but please realize as I did that the world does not stop or change for me, I am the only thing that can change.  As technology grows we are left without choice.  People are going to take what they want, no matter if I like it or not.  My concern is that they get a proper representation of what was performed.  

So, in conclusion I leave you with this, Everyone of the 86 postings(I did a multi level search on over 800 sites) that have gone up today thus far has had the words Frisky radio in it. BE AWARE THAT IT IS ONLY BECAUSE OF A POSTING THAT I FOUND MY WAY TO YOUR SITE AND BECAME A MEMBER.  I am not saying whats right wrong or trying to change your mind on any topic, i'm just trying to make you aware that because of the internet YOU have a growing and strong company.  Don't fault the obviousness of what was going to happen on lack of awareness. You became a company and remain a company based on "word of FONT" and not by word of mouth.  Give the artist who appear on your site the same chance, and don't hold them hostage to your subscriber fees and proper scheduling times, let their music be heard and allow them to have a full venue not only when they get to NYC or London but every they book and event. Once you broadcast your done with file, make it available IN THE FORMAT THE ARTIST GAVE IT TO YOU,  Leave if as an available format that collectors fans and other DJs and or record labels may review so their careers may grow.  Make sure that you are being "FAIR" to the artist.  

Lastly If you choose to discontinue my subscription, I could care less. Fact is the only thing that would be doing is putting less money in your pocket as everything that goes on and off your site is and will remain available for the years to come.  When you own the artists, the internet, the fiber cables they travel on and the routers that they land on we can then have a discussion. Until then you will either continue to offer subpart files (the artist did not give you these in higher quality so you could dumb it down) or you will step up,  spend money on the bandwidth, and do the artist the TRUEST service and offer what they offered you.

I look forward to your response as I know you didn't expect on from me.  I'm eager to hear how you defend yourself hording files as supporting the artist and dispute the fact that the internet was and is how you got your company and continue to have one.  I urge you make what is suppose to be heard available to the people who hear it. You only broadcast in 128Kbps yet you receive 192 or better.  Your doing the biggest disservice to the artist.

Truly yours
friskyRadio Subscribers

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bidonavip user on February 8th, 2007 / post 15950
absolutely what i was thinking, i didnt listen to frisky since they broadcast in 128, even some of my favorites like el reyalto, d-phrag, tarkan and many others, shame for em do this :shit: :thumbsdown:
its no more frisky for me until they do something and do it with respect for the artists and the audience :deadhorse:

and thank you Brian for this words, they deserve em :clap2:
enenlightning *deepsoulfunk* on February 8th, 2007 / post 15951
bidona wrote:
absolutely what i was thinking, i didnt listen to frisky since they broadcast in 128, even some of my favorites like el reyalto, d-phrag, tarkan and many others, shame for em do this :shit: :thumbsdown:
its no more frisky for me until they do something and do it with respect for the artists and the audience :deadhorse:

and thank you Brian for this words, they deserve em :clap2:

yeh, thats right!and bbsspyin...I liked when u said  ''Make sure that you are being "FAIR" to the artist.''  
TheVrkstarlightning Deep & Sexy on February 13th, 2007 / post 16054
Good on ya man :yes:  I FULLY agree :cool:
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