iPhone: Apple reinvents the Phone, page 2

Commissarlightning Leopard on January 23rd, 2007 / post 15561
krassyo wrote:
Not bad that iPhone, but I do not find it to be an innovation at all. Nowadays almost every modern cell has:
  • Symbian OS
  • Audio & Video player
  • 802.11g adapter
    I think that it is a matter of personal taste. Apple are famous by selling extremely expensive products however this phone is not as expensive.

  • man, it seems that you didnt read my last comment with the explained points  cause if you read it you will see me explaining
  • iPhone runs OS X which runs all the macs from Mac mini to Mac Pro & Xserve, why should iPhone run such a sophisticated operating system? because simply it just has all we need, seamless syncing, best and easiest networking, perfect and real multi-tasking, a very strict security, Cocoa, Core animation plus the very important feature that Apple has been making use and developing it in OS X for mobile computers (notebooks) which is low power consumption
  • Audio & Video players exist in every place now, but Apple had been always known by their impressive audio and video high quality plus iPhone operates at 160 PPI which had never been on any portable device, means you will watch videos and movies with a quality you have never seen before
  • iPhone supports 802.11n which is way faster than 802.11g !
  • as I explained above, if you calculate the cost of a smart phone and a 4GB iPod nano considering that iPod nano has no video playback support, you will get the same price as the 4GB iPhone ! .. it's not expensive when you look at it from the right point of view that they are three seprate devices in one device

    latinbeatz wrote:
    slash wrote:
    ps forgot to say... you're being so convincing probably cause you have 50% off or maybe even get one of them as work accessory for free... am i right? =)
    lol i think that is true

    no no man :) .. i swear it's not 50% or something, you know nothing about this f**king country I live in which still charing much cost and taxes on anything you get from abroad, so the least I'll be able to pay is the same original price plus some little costs, so I expect i could get a 4GB one for LE 3000 which is nearly $520

    sep08 wrote:
    Commisar I dint mean to offend you but I'm just saying I would rather have a seperate Ipod and a nice Phone, I'm a student who commutes to school for 3.5 hours a day and the battery would run out if I used it for other stuff and it wouldn't be practical for me. As for the price it's ridiculous, $600 and a 3-year deal and you're limited to a single company. Don't get me wrong I love apple products and have bought 3 ipods myself and am planning to buy an apple computer this summer.  Their software  and UI is always innovative and user firendly but I think I will wait a year and buy it then, hopefully they'll sell it without contracts and without it being unlcoked. I had a question for you,does it take Sim cards or is it the PCS type.

    man, i didnt say you offended or something, iPhone is not my son :) .. but i just want to clear any point that is not true, I respect your point of view by having a seprate iPod and phone, but I just want to convince you that the iPod battery is very good plus the OS X which will operate the phone has a great feature which is the low power consumption, so it will last with you as i said, 5 hours of video/calling/browsing with wi-fi and 16 hours of music playback, isn't it enough ?

    about your question, first i'd like to say that iPhone is totally different from iPod from the point of making better versions, cause iPod was the first portable music player in the world, so it was normal to have some problems and then fix that, but for iPhone, phones has been existing from many years, so Apple didnt invent them, they just innovated them or reinvented it .. anyway, iPhone was designed to operate in any place in the globe, so it supports Sim cards, Quad-Band GSM + EDGE :)
  • jaystarlightning johnny bass on January 23rd, 2007 / post 15562
    It also only has a 2 megapixel camera, and the battery cannot be removed (easily) like ipods, so when the battery starts to fail your screwed... the fact that it has such a big screen im thinkin that the battery is gonna last pissing time, like ipods...
    Commissarlightning Leopard on January 23rd, 2007 / post 15568
    yes that's correct, but iSight in all new Macs is 2 Megapixels too but it shoots stunning photos and high quality video recording, I have a 11 Megapixels unknown taiwan branded camera but it's a piece of shit when it come to night photos and it's quality is not even near to a sony or nikon 5.1 Megapixels .. how does a 2.0 GHz Intel Xeon processor in Mac Pro preform better than a 2.5GHz powePC processor in PowerMac G5, because it's not only about clock speed, the same here, my point is that it's not only about the amount of megapixels, man :) .. there are some other factors that affect the quality .. however, I agree that it should have been more than that .. but anyway, they will raise it alot when they produce the 3G version .. Apple  have been always satisfying a very hard equation, to be innovative, and at the same time, to take your time and dont make anything on rush

    The battery life is something that you control with the proper usage, the fact is that any kind of those notebooks, phones, ipods batteries has a lifetime .. but the point is that you can make use of the most of this lifetime with the proper and right usage, and you can screw it and just make use of half the lifetime by wrong usage like leaving it charging while the battery is full and not recalibrating the battery from time to time and similar stuff, and the fact also, is that Apple and most technology companies always include directions documentation with their products for how to make the most of your battery, but as you know, maybe only 1% of people read the manuals and documentations
    krassyolightning breeze on January 23rd, 2007 / post 15572
    Commissar wrote:
    man, it seems that you didnt read my last comment with the explained points  cause if you read it you will see me explaining
  • iPhone runs OS X which runs all the macs from Mac mini to Mac Pro & Xserve, why should iPhone run such a sophisticated operating system? because simply it just has all we need, seamless syncing, best and easiest networking, perfect and real multi-tasking, a very strict security, Cocoa, Core animation plus the very important feature that Apple has been making use and developing it in OS X for mobile computers (notebooks) which is low power consumption
  • Audio & Video players exist in every place now, but Apple had been always known by their impressive audio and video high quality plus iPhone operates at 160 PPI which had never been on any portable device, means you will watch videos and movies with a quality you have never seen before
  • iPhone supports 802.11n which is way faster than 802.11g !
  • as I explained above, if you calculate the cost of a smart phone and a 4GB iPod nano considering that iPod nano has no video playback support, you will get the same price as the 4GB iPhone ! .. it's not expensive when you look at it from the right point of view that they are three seprate devices in one device

  • iPhone runs OS X: yep, and OS X is based on BSD. However there are some OS X exploits to date :wink: There are also Linux, Symbian & Windows exploits either. As I told, this is a matter of personal taste (e.g. I shall prefer a phone with Linux). I do not need so much eyecandy on my phone, as far as I am using it for phone calls :wink:
  • Audio & Video quality: Audio quality of iPod is really perfect. I do not argue about this.
  • iPhone supports 802.11n: Are you joking? Not really at this point. See https://www.apple.com/iphone/technology/specs.html
  • It's not expensive: no it is not expensive as I also said in my last post.
  • Willy84vip Bongaz on January 24th, 2007 / post 15578
    Commisar i can see that this phone is usefull for alot of people but not all of them according to it's size (which is a big phone ) because of it's huge screen ,  but how many is going to buy it in this case nokia wins even they r expensive because they made a phone called (N91,i own it) with a 2 Mega Pixel camera and a Wifi also with 4Gb drive and also with a symbian OS which is found as the best software for cell phones , i can see that after reading the full specifcation of this phone that it dosen't have the 3G option while my phone does also there is a new release of the N91 called (N91 music edition) which is 8Gb memory and also with expanded memory using micro sd memory card with a better wifi and upgraded software with symbian too.

    Also i know nothing about Apple's software (that dosen't mean that i hate it ) no it means that it will be hard to me react with my cell phone actually Apple should do more features in it like the 3G and maybe, more camera , more memory or a memory card place to make this phone a unique phone and also to be a 5 years ahead but actually it's not it's only one of these modern phones ,  to say also that my phone's battery stayes for 4 days when i use it only for Send and End and satyes for a 24 hrs with music player is on , and in the end nokia wins like windows do because of ease in use and i doubt that this phone will be easy to use exactly like MOTO it's still hard to them to make Phone settenigs understood So go NOKIA go :thumbsup:

    maybe my topic says that i am dumb or somthing but that's my opinion and if u want to get a super phone go and look for the Nokia N95 with a 5 Mega pixel camera and actullay i know nothing about it's storage space but i know that it have a WIFI and internal GPS this phone is like 650 $
    Commissarlightning Leopard on January 24th, 2007 / post 15581
    krassyo wrote:
  • iPhone runs OS X: yep, and OS X is based on BSD. However there are some OS X exploits to date :wink: There are also Linux, Symbian & Windows exploits either. As I told, this is a matter of personal taste (e.g. I shall prefer a phone with Linux). I do not need so much eyecandy on my phone, as far as I am using it for phone calls :wink:
  • Audio & Video quality: Audio quality of iPod is really perfect. I do not argue about this.
  • iPhone supports 802.11n: Are you joking? Not really at this point. See https://www.apple.com/iphone/technology/specs.html
  • It's not expensive: no it is not expensive as I also said in my last post.

  • There is not even any chance to compare between exploits in Mac & windows man, because all systems like Mac and Linux or in other words, systems which are built on a UNIX core are no bugs compared to windows, but why Mac is better, because it combines the elegance of Macintosh with the power of UNIX but also its like you said, its a personal taste only if you compare between Mac & Linux

    I also said that iPhone supports the 802.11n that will not be available before mid-2008, so exactly like all the Apple Intel Core 2 Duo computers that have been shipping from 2 months, the iPhone too is ready for 802.11n , meaning, once its available in the market, Apple will release a software update that will make it able to work with b+g+n and they have already released a new Airport extreme base station that support b+g+n

    Willy84 wrote:
    Commisar i can see that this phone is usefull for alot of people but not all of them according to it's size (which is a big phone ) because of it's huge screen ,  but how many is going to buy it in this case nokia wins even they r expensive because they made a phone called (N91,i own it) with a 2 Mega Pixel camera and a Wifi also with 4Gb drive and also with a symbian OS which is found as the best software for cell phones , i can see that after reading the full specifcation of this phone that it dosen't have the 3G option while my phone does also there is a new release of the N91 called (N91 music edition) which is 8Gb memory and also with expanded memory using micro sd memory card with a better wifi and upgraded software with symbian too.

    Also i know nothing about Apple's software (that dosen't mean that i hate it ) no it means that it will be hard to me react with my cell phone actually Apple should do more features in it like the 3G and maybe, more camera , more memory or a memory card place to make this phone a unique phone and also to be a 5 years ahead but actually it's not it's only one of these modern phones ,  to say also that my phone's battery stayes for 4 days when i use it only for Send and End and satyes for a 24 hrs with music player is on , and in the end nokia wins like windows do because of ease in use and i doubt that this phone will be easy to use exactly like MOTO it's still hard to them to make Phone settenigs understood So go NOKIA go :thumbsup:

    maybe my topic says that i am dumb or somthing but that's my opinion and if u want to get a super phone go and look for the Nokia N95 with a 5 Mega pixel camera and actullay i know nothing about it's storage space but i know that it have a WIFI and internal GPS this phone is like 650 $

    Willy :) .. iPhone is not big at all if we look at its thickness, its the thinnest smart phone that have ever been shipped, and the giant wide screen is made for you, so you will be able to watch videos and movies like never before with a 320 by 480 Resolution at 160 ppi which nobody have ever been shipping on a portable device, and no doubt that Nokia is a huge company with a huge market share, but we will see :) .. you dont know OS X and you never used it, so dont judge except when you try it, OS X will make you forget all about bugs, viruses, spying and software restoring and all this well known phone softwares problems as well as it's a very known problems with windows, why Apple ships a 3G phone now while the service itself is unavailable , instead they will release another future version for it, and as i said iPhone supports the future Wi-Fi which will be 200 Mbps instead of the available 54 Mbps now that you are talking about, also iPhone supports maps and satellite through google and for $500 !!, the internet communication is very very smart and rich when it comes to mail and browsing plus many other new features that Apple invented like Multi-Touch, all of these 200+ new invensions are not available on any other phone including this super nokia you talking about besides they are already pateneted with Apple name, so when Nokia or any other company use it, we will all be knowing that they were originated by Apple, exactly like the Wi-Fi, bluetooth, USB and firewire, all of these technologies were developed and innovated by Apple, then the other companies used it after it was approved by IEEE, since mobile phones were on market, I was always believing and still believe that Nokia was the easiest software, better than moto and samsung..etc .. but once Apple iPhone is up in the market, this will be history :) .. because it's not true that windows easier than Mac OS X, and it's not true that Nokia is easier than iPhone, the right thing to say is that I've been used to use windows or nokia or whatever and i'm so god damn lazy to make a little effort and try another system or phone .. you got what i mean ? the simplicity and ease of use is not the menus and icons, man .. it's the peace of mind, it's that total confidence that you will be using your computer or phone with no bugging errors, no freezing, no shit happens behind your back like all those spyware do in your windows and Nokia not so smart phone ! .. this is the ease of use, did you know now why its 5 years ahead of any other phone ? it's not about the phone or hardware itself, no, it's about the software running it, just like the computers, a super computer with extra hardware technology or a phone with the best hardware configuration is just a dumb piece of metal and silicon without the software running it, right ? and if Windows is that simple and powerful, so why do you think the windows company itself (Microsoft) run all their servers with UNIX FreeBSD which is the core of Mac OS X and why do you think the co-president of Microsoft's Platforms & Services Division Jim Allchin said "I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft" ? .. try to find answer for these questions, and by then you will realise what I'm talking about :)

    You all have to see the Macworld 2007 Keynote right from this link: https://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/j47d52oo/event/ ... please, don't judge or start saying "oh, but my Nokia blah blah" except when you see this first, you have the choice to watch the whole keynote address presentation which is about some Macs & iPods stats + Apple TV + iPhone and you can also watch the iPhone part only if you want from the same link

    ps: at all cases, real judgement will not come except in June when iPhone is released in USA however all technical journalists from different newspapers and magazines like PCMag and Chicago Times who had the chance to test the iPhone for 15 minutes after the keynote .. and all of them were very impressed
    viktor1983 Admin on January 24th, 2007 / post 15587
    hey guys, maybe i'm too old-fashioned, but i have a phone for calling others... don't misunderstand me, supporting imap/pop3 and such protocols are great (especially for people suffering from internet addiction, like me 8)), but how do you use a built in 2mpixel camera having plastic lenses? videos? web browsing?

    maybe many of you don't share my opinion, but i listen to music on my mp3 player (runs about 20h on 2xAAA batteries/accus), i take photos with my digital camera (with REAL lenses, optical zoom, not to mention the quality), and i watch videos on dvd (on which you can ENJOY the movie)... unfortunately there's no phone nowadays which could be used just as a phone... except the low-end ones, which doesn't offer good quality/long battery life/etc...
    Commissarlightning Leopard on January 25th, 2007 / post 15592
    you are totally right, man .. and i'm veryold fashoined, i have the crappiest phone you can ever see and i dont have an ipod, so i will try to change myself with iphone :)
    Willy84vip Bongaz on January 25th, 2007 / post 15597
    Commii :-D pal i mean no offend on the iPhone it's a great technology i have to admit that and i am sure that this phone have a great stereo sound and a super video quality but i am saying this coz ive used to many mobile phones b4  nokia and only nokia satied with me without bothering me and go with the phone to the service centr evry month or week like siemens  :'-(   maybe i ll see ppls opinion on this phone and of course if it has no errors i ll buy one myself but i have to be sure about it before i ll like change but i don't prefer risks maybe coz u know every thing about the phone and every thing the phone can do so u r advising us with this great phone , but most ppl won't buy it for things u ve said like 200MBs WI-FI or more technical things people ( not all of them ) will buy this phone due to it's Video and sound quality and it's storage size . and actually i saw the vids for this phone and i like it and i wish it have no problems coz i ve put this phone with a comparison with other phones to be purchased  :thumbsup:
    Commissarlightning Leopard on January 25th, 2007 / post 15598
    Willy84 wrote:
    i wish it have no problems coz i ve put this phone with a comparison with other phones to be purchased  :thumbsup:

    dont worry man, with OS X running this peace of beauty, there will be no worries at all :) .. like people have been using Apple Macs for years with no problems, I'm sure that a smaller device will go the same.

    the only thing i take on iPhone is that Apple had decided to make it initially as a closed archticture, insted of open one like the Macintosh system on Apple computers, so no third parties will be able to develop applications for iPhone, meaning that no application will be able to run on iPhone except when Apple approve, authorize and sign it first, like what you saw from Apple iPhone Partners (Google & YaHoo) ... i'm not happy with this, however, from their point of view, they did that to disallow anyone to write an application which for example will steal your important info like credit card numbers and send it to another place for someone else, the fact that they are not doing this to annoy people, they did that only to protect iPhone customers and users privacy and to make them totally secured and safe from any pirates or spyes .. it's all about peace of mind, man :)
    MuscleTechstarvip monsteronjuice on January 28th, 2007 / post 15645
    hehe I have Nokia n73 and nothing can't make me leave that phone  :whistle:

    and that apple phone has only 2MP?

    you know when apple release 5mp camera with 30fps video recording (Nokia done that with Nokia N95)
    make me a call :>

    is it a 3G phone,I don't see second camera for video convesations?

    and what about the apps for that phone? I'm sure that exist many many many more apps for Symbian 9.1 and 9.2 that than apple OS

    and that 4 gb is internal memory? do that phone has Memory Card slot?

    so leave Ipod to Apple and mobile phones to Nokia and SonnyEricsson :)
    viktor1983 Admin on January 28th, 2007 / post 15687
    maybe someone will crack that protection, just like any kind of protection...  so if someone wants, he'll be able to run applications which hasn't passed Apple's tests...

    on the Nokia thing...  I have an old, Nokia 6310i now -it's ok - , but i'm going to replace it with a SE k750i or K800i... one of my friends was here some hours ago, and he has mentioned the new series of Nokia... his friend is the owner of the local Nokia service/shop, and they have a lot of N series for repairing... some of them can be repaired by simply re-flashing and resetting the software, but some of them cannot be repaired in any way... it's the error of the software...
    Commissarlightning Leopard on January 28th, 2007 / post 15689
    viktor1983 wrote:
    but some of them cannot be repaired in any way... it's the error of the software...

    what if this software is unix based :) ?
    MuscleTechstarvip monsteronjuice on January 29th, 2007 / post 15691
    guys I'm a big mobile phone fan,I know all the phones on the market and their advantages and weakness...I have had many phones of them also

    If we talk for a phone with good multimedia functions and etc ( I mean phone,no pocket pc! ) there is nothing better than the N series of Nokia.SE has also good models,I mean the P series,they have a touch screen but SE deaesn't realeased it at time,beacouse the developers had big problems with the code of the UIQ platform..

    SO for good multimedia phone,buy Nokia N series,for something more than phone buy pocket pc,there are pretty good models with 600mhz processor

    victor: K800i is a great phone,but I don't like it couse it's not a smartphone and you can change almost nothing,you must be able to use only java apps,smartphones are fully costumisables
    bidonavip user on January 30th, 2007 / post 15754
    madness, this guy (what was hes name, steve jobs or somethin?) can kiss my a$$ :lol:  :lol:

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