Software for recording audio/video, page 1

brytekvip lock it in on June 22nd, 2014 / post 64899

I'm reasonably new here and was just wondering if anybody had any recommendations for recording audio/video streams and other content. Any software that finds M3U files and HDS files of streams would be great too. At the moment I currently use VLC, Firebug and Wireshark.

Thanks  :-D
jerpaa video addict on June 22nd, 2014 / post 64900
Hi brytek,

m3u8 links you can easily find with the "Inspect Element" feature of both FireFox & Chrome. Just look at the network tab when switching resolution in a YouTube live stream for example. Chrome is the easiest.

to find HDS links, I use the FireFox plugin "HDS Link Detector" which detects the HDS link for you, a great tool for lazy ppl like me :)

cheers, Jerpaa
brytekvip lock it in on June 22nd, 2014 / post 64901
Sweet, thanks Jerpaa
umpfta Uploader on July 6th, 2014 / post 65080
jerpaa, how do you cut your videos? I remuxed the ts file to an mkv via ffmpeg and then tried to cut it with avidemux. It all looked good, but in the end the audio track wasn't readable anymore. :-(
slash ProDanceCulture on July 6th, 2014 / post 65085
i know you can use ffmpeg to concatenate video files, i haven't needed it yet really, but i bet it can also cut them too..

something like this maybe:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -ss 00:00:30.0 -c copy -t 00:00:10.0 output.flv

where -ss is the start time into the set and -t is the length of the copied piece, so this command will copy 10 seconds starting from 'around' 30th second mark. it can also go as '-ss 30 -t 10'

anyways, just saying, if you're familiar with ffmpeg - it's a powerful tool to wield!!
umpfta Uploader on July 7th, 2014 / post 65086
Will try that, thanks!
slash ProDanceCulture on July 8th, 2014 / post 65112
i actually checked it back then and it worked like a charm. and if you also remember that ffmpeg is the fastest tool for audio-video processing, even command line shouldn't seem a hassle.. =)
brytekvip lock it in on July 13th, 2014 / post 65183
Thanks slash, just saw this and will be sure to check out ffmpeg!

Thanks again  :-D
brytekvip lock it in on July 14th, 2014 / post 65189
Having a bit of a problem with ffmpeg.

I'm getting an error when capping a m3u8 to mp4.

I input this command:

ffmpeg -i "filename.index.m3u8" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc umfeu3.mp4

Then I start getting these two errors over and over:

[tls @ 0000000005af2f40] The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
[tls @ 0000000005af2f40] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason

Just wondering if anybody could help me out as I'm extremely new to ffmpeg.

Thanks :-D
slash ProDanceCulture on July 14th, 2014 / post 65190
nothing can be done... i just power through that.. at first it would lag, only get 1hr in 4hrs, now it works faster and gets 1 to 1 by timing, but still TLS errors and sometimes other stuff.. like today i think w and w set from ultra europe i had mass errors at the end, so last 10 miunutes i are in the file, but i cannot make it to show them, although audio extracted is 10 minutes longer than video.. that's just how it is... it could also be an incomplete build or something.. i compiled ffmpeg on my linux server, there it doesn't ever produce errors, but it does skip segments sometimes...

generally, ffmpeg was worked at by 100-s of people, so it is a very very complicated tool...

ps. if your recording does't lag, it will record proper video even with tls errors.
brytekvip lock it in on July 14th, 2014 / post 65196
Just tested with other m3u8 streams and it seems to work error free, however whenever I try to grab a m3u8 streams from YouTube it throws up heaps of errors, it still records Video and Audio when the errors show, however watching the file back I can see it dropping frames every 10-15 seconds.

I'm using the latest win64 static build so it could be a bug of some kind.
umpfta Uploader on July 14th, 2014 / post 65197
I always change the https m3u8 link to http, this generates less errors.

Btw, for what do you use the -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc switch?
brytekvip lock it in on July 14th, 2014 / post 65199
I get an "Malformed AAC bitstream" error when I dont use the aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter.

Only need to use it when grabbing in mp4 format.

Btw, I get a 400 error (bad request) when attempting to use http instead of ssl/tls (https). Tried getting YouTube in Firefox with http but kept getting redirected to the https version of the site.

Edit: Managed to get to the http version of youtube and picked up the http m3u8 and is working error free! :-D. Thanks for the advice umpfta and slash.
slash ProDanceCulture on July 14th, 2014 / post 65205
brytek wrote:
I get an "Malformed AAC bitstream" error when I dont use the aac_adtstoasc bitstream filter

That's because you trying to convert original stream to mp4. Just save as .ts or .FLV, same format its in, and you won't need any extra options. Simple ffmpeg -i input -c copy output, this copies raw data as it is sent to you.

Ps. With soft I use called youtube-dl when recording in linux I do give it options to prefer insecure connection.. will try http for m3u8 too one day.. youtube-dl actually takes only the video url, does all on its own..
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