HELP!! this song is stuck in my head!#$%#$%$#, page 1

slash ProDanceCulture on May 23rd, 2012 / post 47480
damn this song: Maroon 5 - Moves like Jagger..

i am not one for this crap, but god damn it, my girl's been playing it alot in march or something, and our computers are on the same long table, so i've been hearing it alot.. it's been 2 months this stupid song is in my head, i fucking hate it!!!

help me!! what do i do to forget it??? or any other song that sticks in your head... how to get it out? over these 2 months there's been 2-3 other songs that did it to my brain, but i keep returning to this one... what do i do??

share your own sound-poisons, friends.. anyone had such prolonged periods of cant-get-it-out songs?
DANTHEMAN user on May 23rd, 2012 / post 47489
LoL i feel for ya mate. Mine is Bruno Mars -Beautiful Girls! :angry:  my girlfriend as it for her alarm and i swear it is imprinted in my DNA.

About Maroon 5. Their very first song years ago (i can't remember what it's called) come on mtv or something while my mam was visiting for dinner and she asked if i liked this i said "yeah it's quite catchy isn't it" ( you know as far as shite is concerned). Unbelievably about 2 months later she bought me their album for my birthday! :'-(

I couldn't believe it as my mam is quite savvy with music and about the music i like. I laughed, told her i'd be returning it and said i can't believe she thought i'd listen to an album worth of that shit. As nice as i could of course. :-D

But yeah good luck with getting that out of your head Slash. :music: :whistle:
King Of The Beat
munkynstar Moderator on May 23rd, 2012 / post 47491
How about a bit of good old Sasha vinyl style..

or to blow the cob webs out a bit of Octave one at Awakenings..
bidonavip user on May 23rd, 2012 / post 47496
i just have no time to stuck a stupid one in my mind just cos i always listening to anything good and when i dont, well just see above. yes, i know, its silly to live with that but have no cure for you :-P
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