Question about seeding.

(user gone) on March 29th, 2006 / post 3028
When I click on my profile and look at the files I am currently seeding how come sometimes in the ratio portion of the table it either says "inf" or "---" and in my torrent client it says I'm in seeding status and  have a share ratio??
Commissarlightning Leopard on March 30th, 2006 / post 3066
Je5ter wrote:
When I click on my profile and look at the files I am currently seeding how come sometimes in the ratio portion of the table it either says "inf" or "---" and in my torrent client it says I'm in seeding status and  have a share ratio??

when you disconnect for any reason, or close your client then open again, the ratio there does not change, but here it reset the counter ... so when you login you see down=0 .. up=0 ... 0/0 = ? :)
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