tribalmixes mobile wap-version [soon!!!]

slash ProDanceCulture on February 21st, 2006 / post 1876
making a cell phone version of please check it out at this url, put it in your browser address in mobile phone or other wap-accessible accessoires, don't forget to add http with semicolon and two slashes. it is a kind of test page with 2 links right now, but that is just to test out if it works or not, didn't have yet much time to work with it. but it is all really nice and easy and real too as the work is started. so here i wanted to know if some of you guys will use this feature or find it attractive at all, and also what would you expect from it?

here're my plans:
- have 10-20 latest uploaded torrents accessible info (who, desc, size, speeds, etc)
- read latest comments, forum posts, check news...
- post msgs in shoutbox from your www-nickname (magical)
- if met effort here, than i could arrange kind of introductory ring-tones for every torrent, but that will be uploader's wish to upload one or not, that could be supplied when originally uploading a torrent @ www or at a later time, so users coming from their cells @ wap would be able to download that sample mp3, as a ringtone, i guess.. i'm not familiar with this very field yet, but soon i'll learn.
- add your own wishes/expectations. but remember, this is a cell phone version, not a pocket pc one (so it will be monochrome i think and limited text area and resources).

ps please let me know if you checked it and seen anything. as my cell phone is not allowed to do it i think, but i'll activate that feature. :)
(user gone) on February 22nd, 2006 / post 1903
That's interesting if my phone was working. lol I'll have it up in running in a week. But then the internet on my phone.. HMMM. I dunno. I say go for it, if we have enough people who would use the service. Take a poll I suppose.
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