Deepak Chopra, page 2

(user gone) on August 25th, 2008 / post 26719
i am Christian too and i don't believe in god i believe in my self. Jesus? Jesus is made up from some cunt  once up in a time and people back there were dum and start to believe. You believe in Jesus because you want to believe this way, not because it really exist. I mean i can think of my self and write a Bible too.
bidonavip user on August 25th, 2008 / post 26724
anything written/said by someone is to make someone else to believe. when its a belles lettres its ok, when its something else [bible, law, etc] its to make him/her dependent. its not that bad to listen or read something like that once in a while but if you do it regullary you are dependent on him. the bad thing is there are many evil men who knows that [and they are pretty smart too... :wink:] and they just profit the weakness and trustfuiness of the desperate people. thats all from me, im not gonna defend myself here, its the way i believe.
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