about uploading, page 1

bidonavip user on January 11th, 2006 / post 1040
what does it means - upload failed!
error:: invalid announce url! must be https://www.tribalmixes.com/announce.php
where this must be release
Commissarlightning Leopard on January 15th, 2006 / post 1098
Well, when you create your torrent in any client, you must type the tracker url before the creation process, so it's easy, just typt https://www.tribalmixes.com/announce.php there and create your torrent, upload it here and seed
Marconasticstar user on January 19th, 2006 / post 1225
I create and uploaded my torrents correcly and they have been posted in the list of downloadable torrents but, after that, they have been deleted by the site administration because i did not "seed". What does it mean? what do i have to do to "seed" my torrents?
(user gone) on January 24th, 2006 / post 1434
Jó napot:)
slash ProDanceCulture on January 25th, 2006 / post 1445
Marconastic wrote:
I create and uploaded my torrents correcly and they have been posted in the list of downloadable torrents but, after that, they have been deleted by the site administration because i did not "seed". What does it mean? what do i have to do to "seed" my torrents?

for others to get those mixes you need to seed torrents in your client. same as you download them from someone seeding.
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