newbie question *English Only in the Shoutbox?*, page 1

jazzysoulstar user on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19308
Okay, let me preface this by saying that I'm not protesting the rule.  I live in the USA and I only speak English (sometimes it may seem like I BARELY speak English, heh heh).  

But I've seen on a few sites that have a rule stating that if you speak any language aside from English in the shoutbox, that they will be warned/banned.

Why is this?  I asked on another forum and no one ever answered me (maybe they didn't speak English? lol)

Just wondered why, especially a site like THIS that probably attracts a large portion of it's visitors from countries outside the USA and who may or may not speak/type English.

So I just wanted a little clarification on this.  I could care less because I can't speak any language but my own and sign language (which doesn't translate well in the Shout Box.  I tried speaking Sign but no one heard me).


Spokane Washington
bidonavip user on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19311
Gary, there are a ton of rules which we dont ask why they are like this, its simply that way.
in other hand, if u like to speak sign with some1, just drop him a private msg and he will replay you the same way, what to elaborate more here? have a nice weekend :-)
jazzysoulstar user on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19313
I just figured there had to be a specific reason that a rule like that would be in effect.  Just curious more than anything.  Saw it on a few sites and thought it was odd.
jazzysoulstar user on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19314
just found this on another site.  This explains it, I think:

English Only We would also ask that users use ENGLISH in the shoutbox, to ensure that the shoutbox is moderated fairly. Users who have difficulty speaking english, or prefer another language, may wish to consider creating their own channel on dAmn.
Willy84vip Bongaz on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19326
i think it's something clear because English is the language that most of the people in many different countries can speak with but not all of the world can understand ARABIC as an example and ARABIC is my native language so if start typing in Arabic no one except Egyptians or Arabians will understand what i am saying
arnanivip D-Formation Gue on June 2nd, 2007 / post 19330
Hi Gray,

what i will say is far apart from the logical reason but when i enter a site and see in the shout box alot of languages i wont even try to give the shout box a look as willy said English is the most language spoken around the world thats way its the language choosen for the shout box... :-)

thats my opnion cheerz mate have a good weekend  :-)
lostwraithvip <<Canadian>> on June 3rd, 2007 / post 19335
arnani wrote:
Hi Gray,

what i will say is far apart from the logical reason but when i enter a site and see in the shout box alot of languages i wont even try to give the shout box a look as willy said English is the most language spoken around the world thats way its the language choosen for the shout box... :-)

thats my opnion cheerz mate have a good weekend  :-)

This is true and made me think. I see that Arabic is probably one of the other popular languages on the internet, atleast when looking on dance music sites and things. When you look at that language it is incredibly confusing if you dont speak it and it repels me almost. Descrimination is bad but thats why there should be an Arabic, Spanish and/or Dutch tribalmixes :lol:

Twitter: JeremyGriff
mandoirlightning RHYTHM on June 4th, 2007 / post 19409
arnani wrote:
when i enter a site and see in the shout box alot of languages i wont even try to give the shout box a look again....

Even as an English speaker, I don't look at the shout box much anyway!  :whistle:
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