Party Spots in Munich?

(user gone) on May 22nd, 2007 / post 19083
Hey, I'll be up in Munich next week and I was wondering if anyone new of some great clubs there I should check out, I'll be there for probably the next three weeks and then I'll be headed to other parts of Germany.. so any suggestions would be much appreciated!!
serjestarlightning DONATE!!!! on May 22nd, 2007 / post 19087
sorry mate don't know nothing yet but if i'll find out something i'll let you know :wink:
bidonavip user on May 23rd, 2007 / post 19101
rote sonne and harry klein are the clubs, both on the top of the minimal these days :lol:
mihai2211starvip deep/dark prog on May 23rd, 2007 / post 19106
becks41,check this:
Hope u'll find something interesting
(user gone) on May 23rd, 2007 / post 19113
Hey Awesome thanks!! I'll check em out!
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