== ABOUT HELPING THE RATIO's ==, page 21

fireslightning Power User on May 28th, 2014 / post 64644
you don't get a point reward, you get a download debit reward, this reward substracts the downloaded torrent from your downloaded stat and therefor cancels out any negative effect on you ratio, the data you upload will be counted towards your ratio as usual, the points you get for uploading in general are automaticly added
Echo EDIT ME!!!! on May 28th, 2014 / post 64649
Ok. Situation before: Ratio 0,7521
                     Uploaded 105,07 gb            
                     Downloaded 139,71 gb

             after download of this torrent:   https://www.tribalmixes.com/r/1000026585-Cameo-1Xtra-UKG-SAT-05-28-2014-TALiON

                     Ratio: 0,7501
                     Uploaded 105,07 gb
                     Downloaded 140,07 gb

No awards or download debit reward or any points in awards page until now, despite the notice "award's been issued" on every torrent: So I ask how can I fix my ratio if I can't download ratio-free torrent without raise my Download amount?

Thank you for the patience.
fireslightning Power User on May 28th, 2014 / post 64652
that doesn't seem to be a ratio-free torrent :(
JZEN7star user on June 6th, 2014 / post 64749
What you guys don't realize is that you can upload and share all the mixes you've ever downloaded for 24 hours a days and it won't significantly help your ratio. NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE DOWNLOAD TO AFFECT THE RATIO STATS.
fireslightning Power User on June 7th, 2014 / post 64760
JZEN7 wrote:
What you guys don't realize is that you can upload and share all the mixes you've ever downloaded for 24 hours a days and it won't significantly help your ratio. NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE DOWNLOAD TO AFFECT THE RATIO STATS.

Well yeah, my ratio is only 5.8, not into the 1000's or 10000's like yours and some other folks on this site. Its clear that I'm doing it totally wrong.

Sorry to waste your time.

Seriously tho, all the information you need is in the last couple pages on this threat. If you just can't comprehend it, donate.

Shortly after joining I wanted to be power user. Aside from the 8 week member requirement, I met all other requirements after only 2 weeks, 50gb uploaded, ratio of 2 (mine was 3) and it was all due to these methods. They have been repeated over and over again by various people including moderators whom most if not all had the ratio to show that they are doing better then yourself.
So with those ratio's they clearly know how its done, they must be lying. if you want to think we are all conspiring against every newcommer, to the point that they can't use their account, while this community seems to be looking for new members. laughing at you while we kill our own community.
its your right to think so. But if that sounds logical to you, you might as well just give up, because if thats the case you obviously lack the brainpower needed.

Also with a ratio of .22 while you did manage to download 25gb, you either didn't read all the (very obviously)important stuff when you joined and just started downloading till shit went wrong,
or you downloaded mostly older torrents,
or you didn't pay attention to how big the files where.

I'm not sure if this was mentioned.
With your upload bandwith (usually) having a limit 10x smaller then your download limit(at least its like that around these parts).
You will potentially need 10x more time to redistribute the file to ratio 1 then it took you to download the file. Therefor, your ratio will come up quicker on smaller files.
Files of a couple of gb while your uploaded total is low are not a good idea(unless they are ratio free).

Whatever the case, had you kept an eye on your ratio you wouldn't have ended up this far down the hole.

I suspect, that you dug a hole so deep, you won't get out of it, because you couldn't be bothered with words or aren't able to understand them. :-/

I'm sorry for this rant but you insulted/accused some people I hold high for the sheer effort they put into making this place tick, moocowdan doesn't only seed and share torrents almost every day, he also put a lot of effort in some guides/faq's, moderating the torrent list and forums and who knows what else, yet he takes valuable time out of his day to help noobs(you stopped being a newb months ago) like you. he's explaining this stuff over and over, and is still patient enough to keep doing it. And when you make HIM out to be the ignorant one, he's the big man and doesn't even try to defend himself, please just fuck off.
moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on June 7th, 2014 / post 64762
JZEN7 wrote:
What you guys don't realize is that you can upload and share all the mixes you've ever downloaded for 24 hours a days and it won't significantly help your ratio. NOT THAT MANY PEOPLE DOWNLOAD TO AFFECT THE RATIO STATS.

First of all, Fires, thank you for your input, the information you have provided in this thread is valuable, i wish more would stop, take the time to read and each users experience would be much much better and they would be able to freely download what they would like.

Your ratio stats are something you cannot affect to a certain degree, what you download won't just disappear off your share ratio. Measures have been put in place to reward those who are willing to seed, discuss, discuss forum topics, participate and upload. These points are the key to assisting your ratio if you choose not to seed your files. If you take the time to learn which elements within Tribalmixes.com make up this awards you can have very free use of this site in regards to downloading. Alternatively, the easy way out is to donate.

I have taken an extract from FAQ which i will post below, most of this has been touched on in this forum already. The points listed below are not rocket science, these are the steps which will take you to being able to freely download what you want. I have followed these and many others have as well....

How can I improve my Share-Ratio? NewMemberGuide... page top
Newmemberguide – New users should start here...

First of all let's make sure we are all on the same wavelength…. 1GB of uploaded data = 1GB of downloaded data gives you a share ratio of 1.00.

From the outset, keep your ratio close to 1.00 or above it. If you are aware of your ratio needs from the beginning, you will have a happy and free stay on Tribalmixes.com freely downloading what you wish. If you choose to let your ratio fall under 0.5 it is difficult to regain later. Start with 1-5 torrents, download them, complete them, force start or seed them, don't stop them, leave your pc running overnight or as long as possible, the next day check your ratio. If your ratio is above 0.75 - download more, again, leave all torrents seeding to ensure you receive upload credit on the data you have shared. For example, you just joined and want a lot of music; you need to be careful about the files you choose. Remember, newly shared files are friendly and will yield you the most leech (upload value) and keep you close to goal of keeping a minimum of 1.00 ratio.

Tribalmixes is all about the music…. It also is about the community. You as a user will also be rewarded in points for your input. Comments on a torrent, forum post, new forum topic, vote in a poll, responding to a reseed request, rating a torrent and seeding your downloaded torrents. These accumulate you points which are tallied against your user profile. These points can be exchanged for just about anything within Tribalmixes.com..... If you need to improve your ratio, points can assist you greatly outside of seeding or donating.

»»» Your points tally and daily lottery can be found here »»» https://www.tribalmixes.com/awards.php »»»

The latest reward which has been added for users who frequent Tribalmixes.com daily is the addition of a daily prize. You will be given a combination of point's and lottery tickets for making a visit to the site each day. This reward is claimable only once per day...

»»» Your daily lottery prize & points can be claimed daily here »»» https://www.tribalmixes.com/dailyprize.php »»»

If you choose to start by downloading 10-20 mixes you are destined to run into ratio issues and have your downloading rights removed. Due to the amount of traffic, your ratio is precious and it is difficult to regain if you choose to abuse it. If you choose to use Tribalmixes.com in this way the alternate way to keep your ratio in check is to donate. There are some generous awards there in donations to assist you get the music you want quickly..

»»» Donations through many different methods are available here »»» https://www.tribalmixes.com/donate.php »»»

Last of all share, share, share! Top sharers get rewarded with the freedom to download what they want, when they want. This website is free, and is kept running only by its users. We want you to be friendly and join in this music community, we don't ask much.
moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on June 7th, 2014 / post 64763
Jzen, i see this morning you still have 0 torrents seeding.

What happens if i came on line and wanted to download one of the files you have downloaded? If you were sharing that file in your torrent client, the upload amount would have been debited to you, but instead it has gone to fires, who is seeding the file.

Friday afternoon onwards are the Hot times were traffic to the site is at its highest. If you are not willing to seed for long periods of time, then this 72 hour window is your opportunity to leave you torrent client open with all 120 downloads available for people to download from you.

fireslightning Power User on June 7th, 2014 / post 64765
I would like to add some general tips,

If you are like me, no-life and always pc on(the key is at night or other long periods of time you are not there to start a download), patience is less of an issue, i pretty much downloaded every fresh(in my definition at that moment, max 4 peers/snatches) torrent i spotted and kept them seeding,24/7.
I checked the charts for the popular artists, webcasts, etc. if you see one of those torrents "too late"(more then 4 snatches/leeches) you know you can still take them because another 30-60 will come for that artist or show. don't just check the names, also check how much total downloads those torrents have, it gives you an idea of when too late really is too late.
if you can check the torrent list frequently,  getting your ratio up is a piece of cake.
don't freak out if some don't seem to upload immediatly. genres i noticed not going so well are minimal house and breaks.i dont reccomened those for ratio. although there are some artists that are the exception.
of the 75 torrents i downloaded like this, currently only 17 are below a ratio of 1, with about double that amount of torrents above a ratio of 4-7, its almost not possible that it can go wrong.
because i wanted power user, i spend points on upload credit, which was a poor choice tbh, as it turned out the upload total was a piece of cake, ratio wise download debit is way more powerfull then upload credit, and worth the extra cost.

ratio = upload / download...  i.e:
100gb/50gb = ratio of 2
2000 points in upload credit
102gb / 50gb = ratio of 2.04
2000 points in download credit
100gb / 49 = ratio of 2.0408163265306122448979591836735

it doesn't seem much but the bigger the gap gets, the more powerfull download debid gets.
100gb / 10gb = 10
102gb / 10gb = 10.2
100gb / 9gb = 11.111111111111111111111111111111111(etc)

this also shows that downloading torrents impacts your ratio much harder then uploading will.
this is why jzen is in a hole which is very hard to come out of.
simple arithmetics can tell you wether or not its a smart idea to download something. USE IT! KIDS CAN LITTERLY DO IT IT TOO!!!.

once you hit your max upload rate, stop downloading new torrents, because your taking data in up to 10 times as fast as its going out(depending on isp and package i guess), meaning that if you don't take time to seed(while you're not heavily downloading!), your ratio goes sour very fast.remember how downloading already impacted your ratio harder then uploading? it just got up to 10 times worse.
if you cant continiously seed you'll need to have patience, wait for torrents to seed a bit, before downloading new stuff in a panic to get your ratio up. be patient.

once your on a ratio of 1 and don't care to get it insanely high, stop downloading, keep seeding, log in every day and do the daily prize + buy 100 lottery tickets, and spend all but a couple 100(for the next lottery's) on dowload debit, it'll cost like 2 min a day, this will build up a buffer that should be able to allow you to atleast get the music of your favorite artists.

if you can't seed contineusly, don't download as many torrent as possible just to get your ratio up(be patient)
if you don't have the time to regularly check for fresh torrent, don't download alot of older torrents.(be patient)
like moocowdan said the busiest time is in the weekends, but new torrents are uploaded daily, there are some uploaders who share a few torrents almost every day. they often upload around the same times. although i don't remember them because i didn't need to :( but i feel like it wont be a bad assumption to say that a lot will be upload sundays and mondays.
it would take some effort on your part but this is information you can find out by checking the upload times on torrents from certain uploaders that show up in the list often.

this is/was basicly my aproach step by step and it worked well for me, i spend quite a bit of time each day for the first 2 weeks, but got decent stats within those weeks. now i do the daily/lottery/etc stuff and sometimes download something im interested in, i don't feel like i have to worry about anything.

....damn it. this is not a few tips, and its WAAAY to late or early? yes THAT late.
seeing as it turned out to be somewhat of a detailed step by step guide that should be sufficient for a 14 yr old, and there isn't something that specifick on this site, i would suggest maybe keeping it around.  but im not english and have to put A LOT of effort into grammar, formatting, spelling, and punctiuation. formatting and punctiuation are also very weak points of me in my own language. if this "guide" seems usefull maybe someone can make it into a decent guide :)
nightclublightning Power User on June 24th, 2014 / post 64919
your personal ratio is 18.9939 and as for ratio rules explained here in F.A.Q. with your current downloads of 14.59 GB it must be no less than 0.300...
and the verdict is : you can download torrents without any worries! :)
What this?
slash ProDanceCulture on June 24th, 2014 / post 64920

i still have a few posts to read here, but i had to put it out there...

what it says in details, i will change and it will not confuse you anymore. i will put it there as "award (if any) have been or will be issued in time". how does that sound?

now about this one


the torrent is NOT RATIO FREE

why do you expect an award for it???

the system is TIGHT, it's FAST AND SOUND, it's fucking bulletproof.

ps. the new message on that page must also explain things a bit? this torrent will become ratio free in a couple of days. today i personally received a bunch of awards for EDC New York downloads, which happened end of MAY 2014.
slash ProDanceCulture on June 24th, 2014 / post 64921

bro, seriously good work!! i've been long thinking of revamping the section that so-much-confused-omg nightclub which he/she revealed in the last post there... oh yes, the section that comes up when you click your share-ratio number link https://www.tribalmixes.com/help.php - this could be the backbone of the page, actually. would you mind simply formatting it and joining with the points in your posts above? i will credit you, of course.. users who write sections of FAQ or tutorials in general eventually make it moderators...
slash ProDanceCulture on June 25th, 2014 / post 64925
@everyone who "doesn't get the system"

  • when your Share Ratio is below required in FAQ - you get Automated Warning
  • if you just registered and jumping on those sweet Ratio-Free video packs - you will get a warning during your download, thus preventing you from downloading anything else until it is brought to required minumum. unless you are a very good sharer. this is simple mathematics.
  • getting a warning makes you reconsider your downloading habits, makes you find out how awards work and where to apply them, makes you get to know the site
  • ratio-free downloads work this way and only this way, downloads are debited and awards issued "post factum", i.e. after download is completed or award is process on an unfinished download (which is done in torrent details, situation when one file downloaded from several in a pack)
  • it is possible to literally replace uploads with points and still keep up a good ratio. i am perplexed at how most users don't #$%%#$%#$%ing get this... any activity that (is not downloading or shoutbox and) involves submitting any kind of data to the site is rewarded with points. get averagely 250 points daily in one hearty-place, spend 100 get averagely 200-500 points in lottery, write 2 posts and 3 comments, make another 100, you're possibly at 500-1000 points. EVERY MUTHERFREAKING DAY. exchange for upload credit or download debit, and download that much music and keep your ratio around 1.0 this way.
  • and for those who do read through those points above and for those who generally do read forums, here's an unspoken of secret... save points or donate to get those ratio-free downloads... and just for the sake of experiment, let it be 24hrs and lets see how much you can download in 24hrs. don't forget to limit uploads at about 50-70% of your max, to have downloads at their fastest. have 20mbps download at home? prepare to be amazed.. line up as many ratio-free torrents as you can find and are hoping to download in 24hrs. right now - very easy with jerpaa's EDC videos. don't like them - erase later, but hear me out... you are in ratio-free mode finally, downloads don't count for 24hrs, all your uploads will grow your Share Ratio. but that is not the point. all ratio-free download still issue awards no matter what mode you're in. so with 20mbps x 24hrs x 60min x 60sec = about 200GB of data. if you can download that much, which is not possible in general, we don't carry that much ratio-free stuff these days, they only stay ratio-free for 100 days. anyways, right now it's possible with 15 packs of 10-15GB each with videos from EDC.. so... do i need to continue? after these 24hrs you'll have slightly bigger share-ratio than yesterday, and up to 200GB worth of download debit awards. doesn't anyone understand this??? that is why ratio-free mode is so "expensive" and can only be obtained for mad points or donations. well, this last one isn't going into a faq. it is for those who reads forums and will find it on their own..
  • moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on June 25th, 2014 / post 64927
    You love giving away all the secrets hey Slash.....  :thumbsup:

    I must say the users who are willing to hang in there, read and generally want to rectify their ratio, i have used this scenario. The FAQ and forums are overflowing with ideas in how to get ahead of ratio needs.

    Kudos for trying to educate the non educated, i take my hat off....
    DainiuxasSlightning Deej@y on June 25th, 2014 / post 64928
    @ Slash, downloading torrents impacts  ratio much harder then uploading
    munkynstar Moderator on June 25th, 2014 / post 64930
    Its the inability to help themselves that gets me..don't read the faq's...don't expect any help!
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