BIG NEWS in the DJ World of the Undeground, page 1

adamc84star TopFlight on June 30th, 2012 / post 49491
I did not know about this till now, my friend told me that within 1 or 2 weeks ago, We have a new superstar DJ that performed in Brazil. Underground Festival. Her name is PARIS HILTON, WTF.

Is this what Underground mainstream EDM comin to. To have proof, there are videos of her performing front of thousands of people.

I had to share this with all of you because we are part of a community of EDM experience and knowledge of the music. Please, do not puke when u see the video and also, please give me ur thoughts about our NEW Superstar Female DJ in the EDM World.

EParis Hilton's DJ Debut Sucked Balls: An Extremely Detailed Breakdownnjoy the Video.

this is part of an article comment used in Miami to show all of us how she performed in her debut. i really could not find the link and I hope u all could find the link and enjoy this wonderful article that came from Miami.

To be honest, Today has been a sad day for EDM Underground. Tiesto and guetta has moved up a level after this crappy news.
moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on June 30th, 2012 / post 49496
Thanks for that Craddock, that is what it deserves!
craddockstarvip uploader on June 30th, 2012 / post 49497
To right mate. :yes:
adamc84star TopFlight on June 30th, 2012 / post 49498
Thank you craddock for the Video.

I really do not know what to say.
slash ProDanceCulture on June 30th, 2012 / post 49499
more info...

i am here just gonna ignore this phenomenon. it is so stupud that i don't wanna get involved..
adamc84star TopFlight on June 30th, 2012 / post 49500
Thank you for the Video Slash.

When I found this out yesterday, I was like WTF. Honestly very sad but funny at the same time.

The best part is when Miami herald wrote a comment about this non-sense. I wish that I had the link, so you all could read what the comment said.  I am sorry about that. The comment was very true but funny at the same time.
bidonavip user on June 30th, 2012 / post 49503
think this is nothing deserve my time to read to...come on ppl..we dont need to focus on this you know
adamc84star TopFlight on June 30th, 2012 / post 49505
You are Right Bidona.

And maybe, I should not have posted this information but to be honest, when I heard this. in a way; I was disappointed because EDM was a big part of my life during the rave era. and for her to pull something like this. It was insulting. At first, I was laughing but to think about it deeper. She had no right to be on that stage like she did.

I just wanted to post this so that u guys could see how far EDM took to get to this point in stage.

And also, honestly; it was entertaining to see the videos but at the same time very sad too.
bidonavip user on June 30th, 2012 / post 49506
no worries adam, i know what you mean..

my fart is entertainig too and in the same time disgusting, wanna see? :lol:

didnt watch the videos tho, should i? dont think ;-)
adamc84star TopFlight on June 30th, 2012 / post 49507
I understand that we all have our personal entertainment Bidona. I do appreciate you asking me that but to get to that level, i have to be married to you :)

So, honestly; No thank you. Please, Please save that for your beautiful wife because that is for you and your wife to share. If you ask me to share about Music, or just whatever like sports. Sure, love to.

Personal Agenda :).....Yikes, No thank you Bidona but thank you again for asking :).
slash ProDanceCulture on June 30th, 2012 / post 49508
bidona wrote:
no worries adam, i know what you mean..

my fart is entertainig too and in the same time disgusting, wanna see? :lol:

didnt watch the videos tho, should i? dont think ;-)

you can SEE your own farts?? that IS disgusting... =))) :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:
bidonavip user on June 30th, 2012 / post 49512
slash ProDanceCulture on July 1st, 2012 / post 49526
bidona wrote:

matador!!  :o)
slash ProDanceCulture on July 1st, 2012 / post 49533
ahha.. i can't have enough of this...

Paris Hilton Epic Fail
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