genre-ing these days, page 1

enenlightning *deepsoulfunk* on September 18th, 2008 / post 26965
i rarely download sets for the last couple of months.or maybe i should say that i download very lill range of artists.anyways iv come across some very very ridiculious ppl even listen to the sets they upload?or maybe they dont have any musical knowledge.. or at least the knowledge needed to an uploader..
any1 else came across the same?maybe we should do an exam for uploaders.a few simple questions for every uploader...
what do u think?
Lover4ovip keekosdj on September 18th, 2008 / post 26970
u cant change this thing, lil bro. dont even bother, listen to what u like and so.

i do the same. downloading 1-2 mixes per 3-4 months. its cool that 2-3 ppl are using my account, so they keep it "active" in action :D LOL

but yes, the uploaders sux (the most of them), they even dont listen to what they upload. and if they listen, they title the genre wrong. in most of the cases.

(user gone) on September 18th, 2008 / post 26973
than become an uploaders
slash ProDanceCulture on September 18th, 2008 / post 26974
as a big loving family, that we are (right, penthouse?), i suggest we should simply contact the uploader and ask him/her to edit torrent to represent the genre better. lover4o is right - it's very hard to fight with... first of all, it's everybody's personal opinion - if this given mix is tech house or minimal, right? second thing is... some of the uploaders upload and share very many mixes, so that if they did listen to every mix, they'd have no time for their personal things.. in the end, think of it, what is better: having this precious mix online and reading as breaks instead of house, or not having the mix at all? cause this is really where it will wind up, if the argument goes on farther - either upload or don't.
Lover4ovip keekosdj on September 18th, 2008 / post 26976
"some of the uploaders upload and share very many mixes, so that if they did listen to every mix, they'd have no time for their personal things."

oh... sorry :D

some guy has this job - policeman. and he's catchting the criminals. but hey, sometimes he catches the wrong guy. just because he did not have the free time to check every guy if he's criminal. if he do this all the time - he'd have no time for HIS PERSONAL things !

the music is important here, right? and this site has strict rules. i will say it again .. when uploader up something, wrong-genred, and user download it, and simply listen to it, and recognize its another genre.. and voala, his ratio is DOWN !!

and here we go to give a BIG THANKS to the uploader. his "job" is to upload the mixes, but upload them RIGHT, and in the way it SHOULD be. one uploader must be smart, to have at least some musical experience, to know what one genre is, what one style is and etc.

whats the difference between a guy who have the newest mixes and upload them here.

and whats the difference between an UPLOADER in the BIGGEST TORRENT MUSIC SITE !

:wink: dont answer me. i just wanna say, if ur an uploader, do it right.  as slash wrote... this is not an excuse "i have my own life, bla bla, i dont have time to listen to all the mixes i upload"


thanks :wink: i hope i will not offend anybody.
(user gone) on September 19th, 2008 / post 26977
yes we are slash.
lover40 and which are these wrong genre-ing torrents mate  ??
Willy84vip Bongaz on September 19th, 2008 / post 26978
Sorry Kiril but it does offend coz actually the uploader do his best to provide you with the latest mixes online , best quality , a good description , a tidy file name , also the genre that he thinks it belongs to , some times when you don't have time to listen to the stuff you have you just label it under the genre that this Dj usually play , like Marco Baily used to play Techno  , so when you don't have time to listen now and will listen later you will label it as Techno  even if he is playing trance or any other mix, some times Minimal and tech house are near to each other, so the uploader get confused is better in tech house or in minimal , or is it progressive :w00t: what a mess, come on guys when you have a problem with the genre just post it in the comment or send it as a PM you will help in this the uploader .

then come on whats the ratio issue is there ppl still having a ratio problem after having the Monday rule, these ppl then do not deserve to download stuff from here, as we are the number one in torrent music website, I can tell you that we are talking about 10 or 20 torrent in 2000 torrent in which they are wrong genres which means about 10 % or even less.

Not a big deal find something else to annoy uploaders. this is ridicules , you have nothing to do except telling that uploaders miss genre the torrents come on a small pm or 2 words in the comments describe the genre will be way easier than this , and actually uploader has just started to fed up with all these torrents uploaded and no comments or ratings , so you start rating and commenting I start to give a damn about my work , then I'm not a policeman , I'm a music uploader , I give you the thing you chill with , so chill and if you have a problem with such a genre just type it in the comments , one or 2 words will probably fit.

I do my best to give share what I've got , I upload every single mix I do have in here, not to have a better position in any lists , but to let you have the best music you deserve .
(user gone) on September 19th, 2008 / post 26981
tnx Willy84 for the solid support.
i don't have to explain my self i know what i do. in a matter of fact.
Lover4ovip keekosdj on September 19th, 2008 / post 26986
yeah, but whats the number of uploaders like you?

1, 2, 3?

come on, u know what i mean.

i already told ya. i dont want to offend anybody. we have good uploaders here.

but the rest of it...  :thumbsdown:
slash ProDanceCulture on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27033
well, i really don't think this discussion should end where it is now... and so i want to say... as probably one of the most active uploaders i want to say here: there was never a single mix i've uploaded without listening to it first. well, yeah, technically there could be a few of course over the time, but only in cases when djs themselves would pass me mixes and request upload and send their own description of a torrent or say something "put it in minimal", then i might skip have skipped listening, but truly myself remember only 2 times i did like that...

talking about "listening to the mix", yes, it is true, before i would listen to maybe 80% of my uploads briefly, as in "listen 10-15 seconds - rewind 5 minutes", but this briefing-browsing is in my opinion more than enough for 4 mixes out of 5. this 5th mix might be hard to classify, so it will need 1-2 more brief-listenings.. nowadays i listen to about 50% of the music i upload in full before uploading it, mostly due to the nature of my uploads - tm radio, where i either hear mix online or listen to it before, if dj passes it to me to upload to the radio... so yeah... i think Willy84 is wrong here: you cannot label mix from your experiences with the dj's past work, but you should always have at least the simplest knowledge of what this mix sounds like.

and finally, of course, uploaders really must consider these messages here, especially those who are aware of their mistakes, and maybe were corrected by others, lets not call out names here, although i'm not sure what names are, still i have some vague images in my head from the reactions of certain uploaders, not only in this thread, but in others and through other means of communication. i'm not your daddy, my friends, and it's not my responsibility, neither it is my wish to teach you morals, but i will ask again both parties (offended uploaders and angry downloaders) to simply undertake different ways of resolving this problem, as in pre-listening to mixes for the first party and trying to genre them better, and of course, friendly remarking of wrongly classified torrents and possible direct communication with uploaders for the second party.
moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27034
Very Interesting topic.

There seems to me to be a good percentage of sets that are posted that aren't listened to and the generic genre or wrong genre of the dj is posted instead of what is played in that set. As an uploader you should be able to upload a set of any genre but like Lover expressed it is annoying to download something by someone you like and it not be what is described. The multi genre buttons should help this not occur. I am pretty sure that everone here is aware where those buttons are, are the rest of uploaders aware though?

Willy84vip Bongaz on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27035
Alright I like slash words about listening and I usually do what you are saying about listening to 5 or 10 mins in fast forward if I don't have time to listen , but some times I can't listen to the sets at the moment I'm uploading , so I upload it , then after an hour or 2 I gave it a listen or even add it to my cell phone to listen to it while am away from my PC , and when I'm back if I found that I miss genre it I will change it and if it's in the right genre so it is , and some times I edit the genere form my 3G network, but from a couple a days I've uploaded a set for TOPO whom I used to listen from a long time and he is playing all dark stuff Tribal and Progressive House , so I knew that he used to play Dark prog. lately and I didn't have time to listen to his mix before uploading ( due to lack of headphone and speakers ) so I add it to my cell and uploaded it in Progressive, but when I gave it a listen while I was in the street this  was PSY GOA Trance , wtf , I thought I added a wrong set to the cell , but when I'm back I found a comment telling that it is really a psy goa set , so I changed the genre immediatly , but how do I supposed to know that TOPO is playing psygoa , I thought I'm listening to a wrong set coz I was sure that topo won't play such a thing but actually he did disappoint me ,

the thing is Slash that we don't need all this thread for miss genning , 2 words in comments will fit , this thread should be for fake uploads, number of rebroadcasts not deleted from the website, and else from some serious mistakes , I'm not saying that this is not a serious mistake , but come on I can add any set I didn't listen under house genre and believe me this will be worse , coz I will be right all the time and downloader will be angry and have nothing to do , but I'm trying to add the set to nearest genre this DJ is playing, also about users mixes some times i don't have time or I don't give them a listen and I add it to what they want me to added  it in .

I don't think that I miss genre more than 2 torrents in about more than 1000 torrent I've uploaded here , I'm defending those ppl that try to give their time and their connection to give you the best and the most exclusive sets over the internet .

In the End I don't mind having a FAQ page and rules Pages for uploader telling every uploader what do every genre mean and when to add what to any genre .
enenlightning *deepsoulfunk* on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27037
Willy, what is the point if you upload a particular set and listen to it AFTER THAT.You wanna be the fastest?It just makes no sense.I really know that the uploaders job is not quite easy but why not take your time and listen(even if skipping) and upload it a couple of hours later with the right genre?And if you can't genre don't just upload with a random genre, which I am sure is happening a lot.I must admit I feel a bit sick with overall genre-ing these days(not only tribalmixes).Look at all the artists that are said to be house:Fedde Le Grand, Bob Sinclar, Steve Angello, Laidback Luke etc etc.All these 'house' artists mentioned compared to real house artists.. wow, as if there are 2 totally different meanings of house.And on the other hand, we can't just genre them 'old school house' and '21st century house', can we...
Willy84vip Bongaz on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27039
the main thing to be an uploader is to bring music to the website exclusively + uploaders and admins are contributing to post the best  it's not about beeing fast only , but ( as an Example ) I've uploaded a set for Guy Gerber , I heard the first few mins I liked the set , I won't stop it or skip it coz I want to listen to some few mins for Guy J before I upload it , but I will finish the set then start listening to anything else .

Well any body who say that uploaders miss genre, I bet  anybody on this website who can get me more than 10 torrents in every 1000 torrents are in wrong genre

get out the torrents and link them and I'm sure you won't find

don't make it a big deal until we have a serious problem , 100 torrent with bad genre and 50 of them are uploaded by 2 uploaders

we are 40 uploaders 4 Moderators 1 Admin 1 sysop all of them upload + Vips and pwr users , mistakes are only on uploaders , why the hell is that , if you have a problem with a bad gener torrent start commenting on the set that will be way easier , and maybe we will have a discussion about many different point of views about genres maybe we will get educated more about genres.

Chill guys, again we are Uploaders do our best to fulfill you musical needs , support us help us when we have mistakes we are a big community supposed to help each other not to argue about mistakes but we must give a hand .

when it come to something serious like double posting or commercial stuff we must kick asses and start giving punishments. not miss genre which could be based on different point of views and maybe in the end you will be wrong and the uploader is right  :-/
enenlightning *deepsoulfunk* on September 23rd, 2008 / post 27040
I dunno mate.I am not making a big deal.I was just pointing out.People don't really care except a few of us who are really sensitive regarding styles.. I guess.
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