eak435sstarlightning wahoo on May 4th, 2008 / post 25222
:hbd: Happy Birthday TM!!!!   :hbd:

Slash... have a beer man!  :beer2:  You deserve it.  Thanks for all you've done for us.
(and thanks to all the uploaders/seeders... keep it up)

:music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:  :music:
Rinspeedlightning twilight on May 4th, 2008 / post 25223
Happy Birthday TM, have a nice weekends to all!!! :yes:  :beer2:
Racka user on May 4th, 2008 / post 25224
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TM !   :mbounce:
salahmarzo user on May 4th, 2008 / post 25226
nice site , thx
moocowdanstarlightning Power User on May 4th, 2008 / post 25230

Happy birthday Tribalmixes

Congratulations to all involved!!!
reemoxo user on May 4th, 2008 / post 25231
happy anniversary tribalmixes..u r the besttttttttttttttt site eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer :drunk:
Buskerstarlightning (Tez) on May 4th, 2008 / post 25235
one word    "Excellent"

arnanivip D-Formation Gue on May 4th, 2008 / post 25237
happy birthday TM and thnx slash btw miss u evreybody :D
RattuSlightning pretty deep on May 4th, 2008 / post 25238
Wow 3 years already! Happy Birthday! :thumbsup:
Lover4ovip keekosdj on May 5th, 2008 / post 25240
big LOVE to everybody

happy BD  :love:

slash ProDanceCulture on May 5th, 2008 / post 25241
all right all right!! this is the time!!!

all power users were amnestied!! you can all upload again!! please take care, check for doubles and rebroadcasts.

all 'downloaded amounts' were frozen for 8 days. awards for undeads will still be issued, so don't forget them!!

right now it's 4455 users with bad share ratio below 0.1 (22.88%), 3862 with ratio between 0.1 and 0.5 (19.84%), 6164 users with share ratio>0.5 (31.66%), and out of them last 3852 with ratio over 1.0 (19.78% of all users)... i don't really know why this percentage doesn't add up to 100%, i do search of ratio below 0.1 - get 4.5k, and for ratio above or equal to 0.1 i get 10k, where is the other 4.5k people gets lost - i dunno, but who cares, just some stats to see later how everyone's ratio have improved!!! so to everyone happy birthday and
fabric8vip Big Brother on May 5th, 2008 / post 25249
Good Luck to you guys getting a fresh start, use it well

*** also low-ratio users this is what you've been waiting for, Enjoy!!

Happy Anniversary to everyone
moemen99999lightning AlWaYs SeEdInG on May 5th, 2008 / post 25251
yeah it will be a hell of a chance for low ratio users good luck everyone  :thumbsup:  enjoy the free leeching weekend  ;-)
geogelightning DJ Tiger on May 5th, 2008 / post 25256
slash wrote:
  • new and finally, most important, we're redoing the faulty torrent removal system... now bad torrents will be categorized and actions on removal and punishments will be taken according to these types: rebroadcast (1), double/fake (3), illegal (00).. weird smiley faces next to types aren't smiling, they're mean and mean months of losing your uploading privileges, if someone from staff removes your faulty torrent. that is rebroadcast (hard to check/know sometimes, right?) is an easy offense, but if you don't remove such a torrent in timely manner after finding out about its double identities, staff will remove it and you will be stopped from uploading torrents for 1 month. not checking for doubles, or finding something fishy on some public networks and sharing it here with following research proving its fake natures, please erase your torrent, or staff will and again you lose it for 3 months. illegal uploads strike the zeeero, that is still punished with complete and total revocation of privileges.
  • a little addition to all said right above.. these 'punishments' will be progressing, that means in case you happen to make more than 1 mistake of a kind, your revocation period will be DOUBLED from last probation length for this same mistake, so a rebroadcast will give you 2 months of no uploads on second time if happens for you to share one (1m*2=2m), then third offense will give 4 months probation (2m*2=4m), and oh well, 4th mistake will put you out for 8 months, and so on... be careful with fakes and rebroadcasts, cause those will revoke your rights right for half a year, and a full year on 3rd offence...
    that is it.. please, download responsibly!! and enjoy the shows! =)

  • :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: That's a really nice decision! :clap2:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TRIBALMIXES AND ALL USERS!!!  :mbounce:  :mbounce:  :mbounce: :yoji:

    KEEP GOIN'!!! :djing:
    'Rhythm in my bloodstream, DJ-ing in my soul, mixing in my heart!' - DJ Kudos
    kajch playmate on May 5th, 2008 / post 25258
    :hbd: tribalmixes, u make my (every) morning :thumbsup:
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