MARRIAGE, page 3

pizdasularlightning big chief on December 19th, 2006 / post 14544
Vitesse113 wrote:
Make love, not war. -- Hell, do both, get married!

i agree with u, us romanians have a proverb : an unbeaten wife is like unwaterred ground  :whistle:
gwendevip shinelikestars on December 19th, 2006 / post 14545
pizdasular wrote:
Marriage is wrong m'kay :lol:

only if you marry the wrong person ! :-D
my sister got married at 18 divorced at 23 , now she's been happily living with her new boyfriend for 7 years  , two children  :thumbsup:

pizdasularlightning big chief on December 19th, 2006 / post 14546
that is wrong imo  :-/
Commissarlightning Leopard on December 19th, 2006 / post 14547
you can talk about marriage from the religious side as it tends to finalize a normal, clean and a kind of authorized relationship from god and all people with that signed paper and parents agreements...etc, from the social side, it tends to form a nice family which is the building unit of any society, from the sexual side, it just differentiate humans from animals, from the emotional side, it's just the normal end for two loving couple who wish to spend the rest of their life together under the same hood ... but at the end, it's like a golden cage, i prefer to be free :)
(user gone) on December 19th, 2006 / post 14548
Commissar wrote:
you can talk about marriage from the religious side as it tends to finalize a normal, clean and a kind of authorized relationship from god and all people with that signed paper and parents agreements...etc, from the social side, it tends to form a nice family which is the building unit of any society, from the sexual side, it just differentiate humans from animals, from the emotional side, it's just the normal end for two loving couple who wish to spend the rest of their life together under the same hood ... but at the end, it's like a golden cage, i prefer to be free :)

Commissar not to be critical of your statement, but  do you mean to tell me that before "Organized Religion" sanctioned marriage we were "Animals"?  that one is unclean and sullied if he or she is not married to there lover ? just a question I'm throwing at you bro nothing more  :-D
dacarmalightning pwr on December 19th, 2006 / post 14558
Commissar wrote:
but at the end, it's like a golden cage, i prefer to be free :)

like this sentence mate :-) ...its like a golden cage.very powerful word and very true
dacarmalightning pwr on December 20th, 2006 / post 14561
Clumbsy wrote:
:-) dacarma !!

Any1 can think as he like that i cant change nor want to change, BUT every1 should NOT talk about other, nor say thing they have no clue what so ever about others.

I will give u a very simple example... cigs!!!

If a female is smoking cigs in the street ppl will say what? Normal? no they will not and they will simply say b*tch
i have soooo many examples i can go on and on bas thats the reality about Egyptains, maybe Culture has to do with it but thats soooooo unfair to others  :-/

yeah :yes: it is very unfair to of the mostttt things i hateee in egypt the kind of people that keep lookin at everyone.they stare!!and there are alot of that kind :-/ ...i really hate that,alot of times they over do it!!i dont stand for it actually at all :-)
Clumbsylightning Power User on December 20th, 2006 / post 14568
Yeah thats soooooooooo true ya dacarma, they go like this  :yikes:  :yikes: oufffff ...
(user gone) on December 20th, 2006 / post 14570
dacarma wrote:
Clumbsy wrote:
:-) dacarma !!

Any1 can think as he like that i cant change nor want to change, BUT every1 should NOT talk about other, nor say thing they have no clue what so ever about others.

I will give u a very simple example... cigs!!!

If a female is smoking cigs in the street ppl will say what? Normal? no they will not and they will simply say b*tch
i have soooo many examples i can go on and on bas thats the reality about Egyptains, maybe Culture has to do with it but thats soooooo unfair to others  :-/

yeah :yes: it is very unfair to of the mostttt things i hateee in egypt the kind of people that keep lookin at everyone.they stare!!and there are alot of that kind :-/ ...i really hate that,alot of times they over do it!!i dont stand for it actually at all :-)

Ok YoU GOT ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!People DON"T DO that here I guess THat would be way to much for me to handle every waking  hour  lolol :)
Clumbsylightning Power User on December 20th, 2006 / post 14574
ahmedelhoda wrote:
Ok YoU GOT ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!People DON"T DO that here I guess THat would be way to much for me to handle every waking  hour  lolol :)

:-)  :lol: LOL :lol:  :-)

Plus the cigs. is just a simple example, there are alot more but i dont want to go on and on....
but i guess u got what i wanted to say :-) and thats the point !

Thank you :-)
BOBATION HAPPY HOLIDAYS on December 20th, 2006 / post 14577
dacarma wrote:
Clumbsy wrote:
:-) dacarma !!

Any1 can think as he like that i cant change nor want to change, BUT every1 should NOT talk about other, nor say thing they have no clue what so ever about others.

I will give u a very simple example... cigs!!!

If a female is smoking cigs in the street ppl will say what? Normal? no they will not and they will simply say b*tch
i have soooo many examples i can go on and on bas thats the reality about Egyptains, maybe Culture has to do with it but thats soooooo unfair to others  :-/

yeah :yes: it is very unfair to of the mostttt things i hateee in egypt the kind of people that keep lookin at everyone.they stare!!and there are alot of that kind :-/ ...i really hate that,alot of times they over do it!!i dont stand for it actually at all :-)

Alright ...lets not beat around the bush here, u guys are talking about egyptians not minding their own buisiness like its a new thing, THIS IS EGYPT, most egyptian people cant help it and they do stare and point but WHY?..Its only cuz as children they were brought up, and their minds were fed WRONG information and concepts that as adults only misleads them to thinking that this kind of WRONG behaviour is indeed what is right. EGYPTIANS ARE OLDFASHIONED, ONLY THE NEW GENERATIONS ARE MORE OPENMINDED. And again why?....well its only cos of other cultures starting to rub off on our own, or in other words the change that has led us to become what we are, is influenced from abroad..Europe, USA, etc..I know all this and have known it for a long time as have u guys ( Decarma & Clumbsy )...dnt get this the wrong way, but talking about egyptians, u guys did no justice, u mentioned the badstuff but not the goodstuff. Ive travelled abroad alot as im sure u both did, no offence to all, but nowehere in the world will u be able to find friends that care about u or love u and always have your back like u have here...this is only one from alot of other great qualities to be mentioned.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone, wishing u all peace,  :love:  and  :-)
                                                                     Cheers, BOB
Clumbsylightning Power User on December 20th, 2006 / post 14581
Alright ...lets not beat around the bush here, u guys are talking about egyptians not minding their own buisiness like its a new thing, THIS IS EGYPT, most egyptian people cant help it and they do stare and point but WHY?..Its only cuz as children they were brought up, and their minds were fed WRONG information and concepts that as adults only misleads them to thinking that this kind of WRONG behaviour is indeed what is right. EGYPTIANS ARE OLDFASHIONED, ONLY THE NEW GENERATIONS ARE MORE OPENMINDED. And again why?....well its only cos of other cultures starting to rub off on our own, or in other words the change that has led us to become what we are, is influenced from abroad..Europe, USA, etc..I know all this and have known it for a long time as have u guys ( Decarma & Clumbsy )...dnt get this the wrong way, but talking about egyptians, u guys did no justice, u mentioned the badstuff but not the goodstuff. Ive travelled abroad alot as im sure u both did, no offence to all, but nowehere in the world will u be able to find friends that care about u or love u and always have your back like u have here...this is only one from alot of other great qualities to be mentioned.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone, wishing u all peace,  :love:  and  :-)
                                                                     Cheers, BOB

BOBATION.... I will tell u this!
my fathers generation and ur fathers tooo by the way... never had this issues we are talking about. ask parents and beleive me... when i tell u that the fastion forexample for females was mini skerts and etc.. no one used to stare :yikes:

this is 1 thing plus i have more examples i could gooo on and on....

the other thing is, i have lived abroad and traveled alot abroad and i can tell u this "I CANT LIVE BUT IN EGYPT"... there is no way i can live outside EGYPT, with its bad issue.

and if i talk about good issues of Egyptain the only thing i could say it clear and loud and sure of is

BOBATION HAPPY HOLIDAYS on December 20th, 2006 / post 14590
Clumbsy wrote:
Alright ...lets not beat around the bush here, u guys are talking about egyptians not minding their own buisiness like its a new thing, THIS IS EGYPT, most egyptian people cant help it and they do stare and point but WHY?..Its only cuz as children they were brought up, and their minds were fed WRONG information and concepts that as adults only misleads them to thinking that this kind of WRONG behaviour is indeed what is right. EGYPTIANS ARE OLDFASHIONED, ONLY THE NEW GENERATIONS ARE MORE OPENMINDED. And again why?....well its only cos of other cultures starting to rub off on our own, or in other words the change that has led us to become what we are, is influenced from abroad..Europe, USA, etc..I know all this and have known it for a long time as have u guys ( Decarma & Clumbsy )...dnt get this the wrong way, but talking about egyptians, u guys did no justice, u mentioned the badstuff but not the goodstuff. Ive travelled abroad alot as im sure u both did, no offence to all, but nowehere in the world will u be able to find friends that care about u or love u and always have your back like u have here...this is only one from alot of other great qualities to be mentioned.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone, wishing u all peace,  :love:  and  :-)
                                                                     Cheers, BOB

BOBATION.... I will tell u this!
my fathers generation and ur fathers tooo by the way... never had this issues we are talking about. ask parents and beleive me... when i tell u that the fastion forexample for females was mini skerts and etc.. no one used to stare :yikes:

this is 1 thing plus i have more examples i could gooo on and on....

the other thing is, i have lived abroad and traveled alot abroad and i can tell u this "I CANT LIVE BUT IN EGYPT"... there is no way i can live outside EGYPT, with its bad issue.

and if i talk about good issues of Egyptain the only thing i could say it clear and loud and sure of is


:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
BOBATION HAPPY HOLIDAYS on December 20th, 2006 / post 14591
Clumbsy wrote:
Alright ...lets not beat around the bush here, u guys are talking about egyptians not minding their own buisiness like its a new thing, THIS IS EGYPT, most egyptian people cant help it and they do stare and point but WHY?..Its only cuz as children they were brought up, and their minds were fed WRONG information and concepts that as adults only misleads them to thinking that this kind of WRONG behaviour is indeed what is right. EGYPTIANS ARE OLDFASHIONED, ONLY THE NEW GENERATIONS ARE MORE OPENMINDED. And again why?....well its only cos of other cultures starting to rub off on our own, or in other words the change that has led us to become what we are, is influenced from abroad..Europe, USA, etc..I know all this and have known it for a long time as have u guys ( Decarma & Clumbsy )...dnt get this the wrong way, but talking about egyptians, u guys did no justice, u mentioned the badstuff but not the goodstuff. Ive travelled abroad alot as im sure u both did, no offence to all, but nowehere in the world will u be able to find friends that care about u or love u and always have your back like u have here...this is only one from alot of other great qualities to be mentioned.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone, wishing u all peace,  :love:  and  :-)
                                                                     Cheers, BOB

BOBATION.... I will tell u this!
my fathers generation and ur fathers tooo by the way... never had this issues we are talking about. ask parents and beleive me... when i tell u that the fastion forexample for females was mini skerts and etc.. no one used to stare :yikes:

this is 1 thing plus i have more examples i could gooo on and on....

the other thing is, i have lived abroad and traveled alot abroad and i can tell u this "I CANT LIVE BUT IN EGYPT"... there is no way i can live outside EGYPT, with its bad issue.

and if i talk about good issues of Egyptain the only thing i could say it clear and loud and sure of is


:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
Cheers,  :-)
lucabativip Degenerate on December 21st, 2006 / post 14600
clumbsy and bobation, with the authority given to me  i declare you husband and wife: you may kiss the bride! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Jake, it takes more than sex to make a man happy. You also need money.   (Charlie Harper)
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