new invites

donnyduck user on April 7th, 2014 / post 63386
Kay, sorry but i won an invite in the lottery and i have no idea how to redeem it. Searched around to no avail. Any tips would be appreciated.

On Xbox Live: mister rk
slash ProDanceCulture on April 7th, 2014 / post 63387
invites are not programmed yet, just raising the awareness... =)
moocowdanstarlightning Cheese Grater on April 7th, 2014 / post 63388
Hold on to them, they will be available for use in the near future.

If you have a friend in mind who you would like to be part of Tribalmixes in the future, then this will be a good reward to get them going.

Slash, will this feature be ready to drop on 16th April? Or after that?
slash ProDanceCulture on April 7th, 2014 / post 63394
not sure.. and it's 19th of April
red6tormlightning Ba on April 7th, 2014 / post 63408
I think it will be better to create some temporary solution - for  example to trade the invites for small amount of points. Does that seems even trade for you ?
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