Darin Epilson pulled off the decks...

munkynstar Moderator on April 15th, 2013 / post 58022
Darin Epilson wrote:
So last night I got pulled off the decks for not playing commercial enough...

Yep that's right. Music was pumping, club was busy, people were dancing, but management asked me to wrap things up an hour into my set.

It didn't take long before my replacements were dropping Avicii 'Levels', followed by Rihanna and Beyonce.

I'm sitting here wondering how the hell management would have allowed the promoters to book me in the first place if they weren't serious about having some forward thinking dance music. I know the promoters had good intentions, but what a ridiculous waste of time for everyone involved.

My apologies to anyone who attended and were disappointed. Hopefully next time I'll be leaving Chicago on a more pleasant note. — in Chicago, IL.

AndyP1981 I WAS THE FORUM on April 15th, 2013 / post 58023
I will state that I am not the biggest fan of Darin but a)have respect for the man because he has not sold out to the masses and I love his guests on his show but what happened just breaks the "CODE" of EDM clubs. I go see "REAL" deejays to hear them play virtually what they want, set the set up and build it the way they want. They are making big money and they are paid to do that. I love hearing a non commercial set in a nice sweaty club. I feel sorry for Darin....its just not fair.
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