YoutubeInMp4 aka ConvertinMp4

slash ProDanceCulture on October 26th, 2017 / post 71682
pretty cool place check out review here YoutubeInMp4 or here ConvertinMp4 (changed domain recently)
slash ProDanceCulture on October 26th, 2017 / post 71683
this is me doing a bit of promotion for my side project savetube, trying to see if linking from kinda relevant page to the blog will somehow boost my serp rankings..

btw, is a close friend, even relative of SaveItOffline. my pages rank around 7-8 for these 2 keywords, and if these posts can somehow increase that and move me up in the list, it can greatly increase my traffic there...

i am getting 30-40k impressions on each of the 2 keywords, but since this is a situation when people search for domain and find it, they click on it. not like when they search for some normal keyword like "youtube to mp3", so results returned are kinda broad, while results returned for website name search are very narrow, and if not narrow, then people will not look below the actual site link..

so being on 8th spot for "youtubeinmp4" keyword with 50k monthly impressions, my traffic should be about 2k visits (about 4% for the 8th spot in google SERPs). while in reality it's only 100 visits, getting only 5% of the entitled 4%...

so i try...
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