NEW NEW NEW !!! important !!! this section rules

slash ProDanceCulture on April 1st, 2006 / post 3184
no more public uploads or offers
you can only offer your own mixes i.e. music that you have played and recorded!!!

new system wrote:
this section is now fully automated, please note a few changes made to the process of [offer]ing and uploading those offers approved by users. the process is now different and doesn't depent on and of the staff members - so please do not bug them asking to give you upload slots - they just cannot do it technically! everything is done now through this forum section and is done by system!

the process::
  • create a thread, name if "[offer] dj blah @ blah dd-mmm-yyyy", open the thread
  • right below the name, you will see a thin-line - the counter of user-approvals for your [offer]. it will initially say inactive(0/21)[enable][help] on the right.
  • just creating a forum thread is not enough now! you must activate approval counter by clicking the [enable] link. after that system will offer users viewing this [offer] an opportunity to approve it. from that point there's nothing else you can do to speed up the process. you cannot approve your own [offer]s either.
  • as soon a few users give their approvals, you will see the counter go up. once it reaches 21, you will receive a message from the system saying that upload slot was given for this [offer], go ahead and upload it!

    the counter::
  • there can only be maximum of THREE active approval counters. so it makes no sense in offering more than 3 mixes at once.
  • if you cannot enable a counter due to too many enabled ones, find your old threads and disable counters there! you want to upload to tribalmixes? you need to learn something!
  • when users of class user approve an [offer], the counter raises by 1 point, when power users approve - 2 points, v.i.p. approval gives it 3 points, uploader approves it with 5 points, moderator's approval gives 20, make sure you remember this and do not personally ask to approve anything! it will take more than 1 approval to get upload slot.

  • this section is for offers/requests for new torrents on the website. please read carefully, as many things will depend on you knowing this info. especially double important if you clicked that upload button on the left, and it didn't work and sent you to f.a.q. for more information. yes, in special cases you can upload torrents even if you are not a power user. it is all explained here and this is the only way this happens. please do not but stuff personally with uploading offers.

    I. you have something you want to upload - [OFFER]
  • read rules about uploading, if agreed, please go on
  • create a new topic (thread) in this section with sibject saying "[offer] djname-info-date", try to fit as much info as possible
  • inside this topic post a message describing what kind of set, dj and music that is, post bitrate, sound quality and overall impression if possible, include length.
  • try to show why this set is so wonderful
  • if some wishing users appear, special arrangements can be done for you to upload this torrent

    II. you want to find someting you do not have - [REQUEST]
  • create a new thread and put its subject as "[request] info-info-info"
  • try do describe when and where, why and what in the post/message you will need to complete this request/thread
  • describe why this is worth looking for it, wait to see any results

    III. neither any of the first two - you are just reading for fun...
    feel free to submit your 'i would like this set' messages and comments on what was already uploaded and downloaded through this section. your comments will have huge impact on this user becoming uploader in future.
  • slash ProDanceCulture on April 11th, 2006 / post 3725
  • newest addition :: topic name must contain as much info about the set as possible and still it has to start with an [offer] or [request] prefix. if prefix is missed or set info is missing - your forum thread will be deleted.
  • slash ProDanceCulture on May 16th, 2006 / post 4981

    please do not offer anything commercial or illegal to share, we only want live stuff, radio stuff, promo stuff (excluding promos of new albums), only officially FREE stuff!!
    zahranlightning Moderator on May 29th, 2006 / post 5373
    new rule :: minimium upload speed 256kbps (32KB/s)
    zahranlightning Moderator on June 21st, 2006 / post 6352
    new rule::one offer at a time users who make more than one offer at a time will be warned
    slash ProDanceCulture on October 17th, 2006 / post 12452
    no more public uploads or offers
    you can only offer your own mixes i.e. music that you have played and recorded!!!
    (user gone) on September 26th, 2007 / post 21639
    Hey the counter of user-approvals is not shown in my thread need help with this..Thanks
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