personal feature too show average rating for new torrents, page 1

IB1starvip Moving Biology on February 20th, 2010 / post 33416
Hi Administration

How about having a feature that displays your own personal 'past' average ratings for torrents on the main torrent page.

For example you have given Dj 'X' previous torrents all 5 stars with the present rating system.So when another Dj 'X' torrent is uploaded their is a 'personal' rating of 5 stars next to it as well the present community ratings.This will help greatly in remembering which mixes you'd liked from the past & give people more incentive to use the current rating system for torrents.

I think for such a organised system to work  future torrents will have to be titled to allow for such categorization.Too much work or relatively easy to implement?.

please give a  :thumbsup: if you think this feature will be of benefit to you .

Music is physics brought to life with biology.
salsablightning Tribal Darkness on February 20th, 2010 / post 33420
I think this would be a reason to rate items in the E-Browser on a regular basis.. I do.. every time I listen to something I rate it and the Dj if the Dj hasn't already been rated by my self. I at least can remember names of Dj's I like.
But It is a good idea i think about this personal rating thing, but I do not see that there is space on the main torrents list to add another column for this.

IB1starvip Moving Biology on February 21st, 2010 / post 33431
"but I do not see that there is space on the main torrents list to add another column for this"

Their are many other ways.Personal ratings Could either be squeezed into the current rating column.or as a space saving technique simply shown in a 'balloon' as you hover your mouse over the current rating column.Or a simple colour code could be used for the torrents - red 5 stars , orange 4 , yellow 3 etc etc .

I think rather than concentrate for now on the problems with having this feature it's best first to decide is it a feature that will improve this website.

Adding features that give a more personal experience is the only way to make a website feel that it's been designed for 'the user' and not the designer.

Anyway I'm all for the correctly informed  democratic vote, so if enough people give a  :thumbsup: someone may pay attention  ;-).

Though I'm 'guessing' the majority of tribal mixes users don't Read English? or at least don't read it on this forum.
Music is physics brought to life with biology.
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